What to bring
Participants are required to bring camping gear and specific clothing for their camp experience. For a comprehensive list of items, please download the Session Information Packet, which contains a Packing and Equipment List provided below and in your confirmation email. We also provide helpful information at our C Day orientation.
If you're unsure about what gear to purchase, sporting goods stores that specialize in backpacking equipment can offer guidance. We advise against purchasing expensive items, as several department stores offer outdoor gear at reasonable prices. Rental gear is also an option if preferred. While online shopping is convenient, we recommend trying on backpacks for fit before making a purchase.
Uniforms and clothing
Uniforms are a vital aspect of our program, fostering a sense of belonging, minimizing distractions, and instilling discipline among participants. To adhere to this policy, all participants must wear tan or khaki pants or shorts, official Scouting pants or shorts, or provided uniform shirts. Shorts must extend to at least the fingertips with the arm hanging straight down to ensure modesty.
Participants will receive two uniform shirts, with the option to purchase additional shirts during the registration process. While plain shirts without graphics may be worn during certain times of the day, they must meet our guidelines. Swimming attire should be modest, with one-piece suits for females and trunks or jammers for males. SPF swimming tops are encouraged for added protection.
To prevent discomfort, it's essential to break in boots before camp to avoid blisters. Additionally, sturdy tennis shoes that can withstand water exposure are necessary for creek crossings and water activities, with older pairs being ideal for this purpose.